It is beautiful to simply exist. We are existing as humans, the superior form of existence, yet we fail to present our magnificence. When we see the human race, we see that we are Asians, we are Pakistani, we are Muslims and Christians and Hindus, we are males and females, we have black and blonde hair, we have dark and fair skins, we are people and yet we are barely human.
We take pride in having seen the ocean, in having seen the space and most of the earth yet we cannot acknowledge the creatures living on it. Being human is being a vessel of love, kindness and hope. Despite knowing this we fail to exhibit it even to a fellow human. We as a race are so focused on differences and competing against one another that we forget what we are. Humanity is defined as; compassionate, sympathetic, or generous behaviour or disposition: the quality or state of being humane; the quality or state of being human.
“Love and compassion are necessities, not luxuries. Without them humanity cannot survive.”
– Dalai Lama
As long as we keep looking for a reason why one is better than the other or how we can win against this self-made competition among the people, we will never be able to flourish, we will never progress and succeed as a race. We are remarkable creatures with courage and intelligence but it falls short when looking at each other. We created a whole system of destruction because a fellow human was of dark skin, because that person was from a country other than America, because its accent was different, because it was in actuality a she. We do not think twice when it comes to the colour of a card we are giving our loved one yet we will make the same colour a point of crisis when it’s a colour of human!
“I hope that people will finally come to realize that there is only one ‘race’ – the human race – and that we are all members of it.”
– Margaret Atwood
The point of these rage-filled words and all the other articles in the world regarding this topic is the same. It is to make this human race understand that choosing a religion doesn’t give you the right to destroy another, that feminism doesn’t make women above men but in fact, preaches equality and harmony, that being a female does not give a male the license to demonstrate his strength and masculinity and that what we look on the outside does not ever define who we are on the inside. I beseech mankind to give evidence of it being human, to be humble and accepting.
“Being human is given. But keeping our humanity is a choice.”
– Anonymous