Mia,with her emerald eyes and dark brown hair, embodied both beauty and
intelligence ,a devoted seventeen year old student with her passion for
architecture, she was sincerely invested in her studies, pouring her heart and soul
into every project she undertook.
But when Mason, the son of a close friend of her father, moved to New York
City,enrolled in Cornell, and chose the same subject as Mia, she started to feel
uneasy and anxious, as though something persistent had moved into the back of
her mind. Mason’s projects always seemed to be more advanced than hers, even
with her best efforts, which left her feeling dissatisfied and perplexed as to why
she couldn’t manage to catch up.
Mason was strangely suspicious ; if she tried to talk to him, he would either ignore
her or try to come up with an excuse. As a result, she hated him
.As the months passed, Mia’s suspicions grew. She noticed that Mason’s designs
were strangely similar to Mia’s own ideas. It seemed like he had somehow figured
out what she was thinking. The more she looked at the similarities, the more she
was sure that Mason was taking her ideas and using them to make himself
successful but how?
Mia was browsing the university’s website when she noticed something strange.
Her account had been hacked, and someone had been looking at her files and
copying her work without telling her. And then it all started to puzzle up, it was
Mason the whole time!
Mia’s annoyance towards Mason quickly turned to bitter resentment and
blazing anger as she figured out what he’d been doing behind her back.
She heard his father talking to Mason, and he was telling him to keep upsetting her.
There was a hint of disappointment in his voice, and he said that Mason should try
his hardest to disprove Mia and make her father look bad. That’s how she found out that Mason’s father had hired hackers to break
into Mia’s computer in an effort to make her father look bad and demonstrate
his dominance. Emotional blackmail laced the old man’s comments as he
threatened Mason to cut off his financial support. Mason got a hard slap from
his father, the young man was being emotionally blackmailed b his own father
really harshly…
Mia was stunned by what she had just witnessed. She had always respected her
father’s closeness with Mason’s father, but now she realized he was a
backstabber who would go to any length in order to satisfy his personal grudge
against her family.
Mia came to the realization that his father was to blame after all,who would use
his own blood to destroy someone else!
When Mia approached Mason about the conversation she had
overheard,Mason remained silent and told her everything he felt like opening
up to her.Through this, Mia learned that his father’s company was engaging in
illegal activities and that when Mason’s father asked his friend to help him he
refused,he decided to take revenge on him. Mia was shocked to learn of this
Fast-forward to six years.
Mason left architecture after his father was imprisoned and is currently
managing his own business. Even though Mia is a highly skilled and renowned
architect, their busy schedules sometimes allow them to catch up with one

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