Bad Grades

I had never been more anxious in my life. I was just about to receive my O-1 results. I was so confident in myself that I told everyone, “I’m definitely getting straight A’s!” Sure enough, I got an A*. I got an A. And I got a B. Not gonna lie that a B was slightly disappointing, but it was still a very respectable grade in my opinion. I was excited to tell my parents all about it, but that excitement was short-lived.

I called my dad on the spot and told him the big news and he said, I quote, “Really? A, B? Well, what can you do now,” and he hung up. I could FEEL the disappointment in his voice. My heart came up to my throat, I didn’t know what to do. Millions of thoughts were rushing into my head at once, I felt like such a financial drain for my parents. That slightly disappointing B turned into a haunting reminder of how I could never live up to my parents’ expectations.

My siblings were very supportive of me, along with my mother, who had always prioritized my happiness over academics. But I still couldn’t shake that feeling inside me. Everyone talked of how they had gotten gifts and cakes and love from their parents, but all I got was a cold shoulder.

I really want to do better this time, but the problem is I’m not as motivated as I used to be, the thought of my father’s disappointment still drags me down I don’t know if I’ll ever reach up to his expectations of me. I try but I just can’t seem to study. My school feels like a prison to me and classes seem like routinly torture. 


Ibraheem Farooq
Ibraheem Farooq, 16, love gaming, modern computer technology and a little bit of art and aesthetics. Also trying out phone photography as a hobby these days and while I'm not busy doing that I'm mostly studying

4 thoughts on “Bad Grades

  1. Honestly, I cannot relate because I didn’t get a B but I thought of cheering you up, whoever it is. You still have 6 subjects in hands and acing them all can still get you a 100% scholarship. If not that, a position in student council, the international certificates, your MUN certificates and your sports interests can also contribute in your scholarship so yes, life doesn’t end here. Try taking the positives out and trust me you will see a huge number of already opened doors waiting for you!

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