In the loving memory of Sir Sanaullah Kazi

Not much has changed in BLA; the lights haven’t dimmed, not even a tiny little bit & I hear a multitude of voices from every corridor, children excited to be in school, finally. Teachers complaining about having to wear masks all the time & still dutifully barking orders: “In your seats!” or “No Sharing!” all over the place. We’re not just adjusting to the small discomfort of social distancing though; the apparently lively people, even the brightly colored walls of BLA are also quietly grieving the profound loss of our beloved mentor, Sir Sanaullah Kazi.

I thought he didn’t know me. I thought he didnt even recognize my face. I joined the Maymar Campus when he spent his days mostly working to build Khadija Kazi Ali Memorial High School & the welfare complex that came after it. Naturally I was never in touch with him and hardly ever did i receive any direct instructions. One day though, He visited our campus for a science fair, and told me he thinks I am “God’s gift to BLA” & that I am part of his prayers. That day, among a handful of others, is one of my fondest memories, the day my dad was proud of me because of what Sir Kazi Said.

It turns out I’m not the only one who has a fond memory of Sir Kazi saying something that lifts up the soul. So in loving memory of Sir Kazi, I’ve gathered a handful of memories by teachers who had known him for years, even decades.

Sir Sannaullah Qazi is a beautiful fragment of my childhood memory. I saw him for the first time with Dr Shamms, walking down the corridor of my school in Abu Dhabi in 1988.
I remembered him well as he noticed the attention we gave him during the tour.
I saw him for the second time in E-24, when I was offered a job as a substitute teacher by Mrs Khan in 1993.
In 2014, when I was stopped to see him by Sabir Lala, saying that he doesn’t meet anyone without appointment; I wrote Ex-student of Islamia English School Abu Dhabi on the slip, and he called me into his office immediately.
“Why did you write that”, was the first thing he asked. “To get your attention ofcourse!” was my quick reply. He smiled, and a beautiful bond was on its way.
Words can never convey the true feelings as they are not meant to do justice. I can never express enough!
Sir Qazi led the life of a simple man who was blessed and gets to fulfill all his dreams. He celebrated life enthusiastically. He was a mentor, an advisor, a counsellor and a spiritual father to both teachers and students. No one can fill in for him! His legacy will live on forever, InShaAllah.

Sobia Gabol

An institution of Patience, Perseverance and Persistence, Mr. Sana Ullah Qazi possessed a complete personality. For me his demise is an irreparable loss. In all of my 18 years with BLA, I have constantly learnt from him. He set by example to be humble, kind and genuine. Professionally he was my mentor and guide, personally he was nothing short of a father. As I remember losing my own Father, Sir Qazi extended immense support towards an emotionally distraught daughter. I would forever cherish the way he counselled me and helped my pain away. I shall always miss our long and fruitful conversations, and his fatherly guidance. There is a huge void after his passing, that would never again be filled.
I pray that the Al Mighty bestow peace and ease on him in the life hereafter. Ameen.
Respect and Admiration always,

Shehla Siddiqui

Sir Qazi was a genuine person. He was not only true educationist but very ambitious man in terms of appreciating new ideas for childs growth .Back in 2012 when we started Beacon Light Academy Model United Nations Club in school he was very happy seeing how students enhanced their public speaking skills. Inspite of his busy schedule every year he attended Closing ceremony of BLAMUN never missed any one of them , two years back he called me after receiving an invite for the ceremony, he was so happy after reading an invitation and said, “Mudassir i have read this invitation letter it is superb how you describe club activities ,i really appreciate to growth of the club and success of students ” then on closing ceremony day when he was invited on stage he took that invitation with him and appreciated again and again and said i will keep this with me and give it to people as a read .” His duas, appreciations and bosting to grow further are those special things which couldn’t forget .His saying that “Mudassir you a part of my prayers always, you are one the asset of BLA .
His presence was a huge beacon of light and guidance for all of us. He remembers each and every faculty member with name, his affection ,love ,and care for the staff was one of those traits which few people possess. In my long journey in BLA i have taken lots lessons and inspiration from his amazing personality like , Discipline, strictness, High Moral character, pityness, focus in life , setting priorities, appreciation of staff through decade and regularity awards, humbleness, simplicity ,righteous attitude, and paying dues of employess on time always.

His mission and vision will not only be remembered only it will be continued In Sha Allah.

May God Grant him Highest place in Jannah.

Mudassir Bhutta

When I recently met Sir Kazi, he proudly called me a “product” of Beacon Light Academy. I laughed. But today his statement gives me a direction in life. A direction he hoped each “product” of BLA will follow to make things better for the society at large. From being a student in his school to an employee at the same, I will forever be indebted to him for a lot I have learnt and acquired in my life. I will do whatever I can to help continue his mission and spread his vision.

Ammarah Adnan

Mr. Sanaullah Qazi’s name always brings back memories of achievement and admiration. He was a man, who always carved the best out of people. I still remember when for the first time I organized Parliamentary Debate Competition with my co-teachers. He was happy to see the steps we were taking ahead and after the success of the event, he cherished our success the most. The way he praised us raised my soul. That day he titled me and my sister ‘Shaikh Sisters’ which will always remind me of him.

Saba Shaikh

Sir Qazi was not just an administrator for us rather more than that. I still recall how wonderful it had always been to have him as a special guest at the events to see the efforts we exhibited. A single statement of gratitude from Sir Qazi would fade away all the exhaustion that we might have been going through.

I still remember the day receiving 8 Awards from MR. Sanaullah Qazi on winning the best tableau of literature week. Standing next to him on stage receiving awards was a wish coming true. What made me more contended and happy were those remarks from sir “miss Ikrah that’s too good, seems the show has been stolen”, “miss Ikrah you’re in the limelight” always had been the real boosters for me.

Sir Qazi was a man of inspiration. His mission of making EDUCATION FOR ALL never made him to have rest, rather kept him working consistently. Now, when he’s no more with us all I can do is PRAY. Pray that may the legacy he created be eternal. May Allah give us the ability to continue his mission with same zeal and enthusiasm!!

Ikrah Hussain

He wrote it for me when I organized a science competition in BLA for the first time – I have feelings, no words

Fouzia Siddique

It was truly a pleasure working with Sir Qazi. He will be deeply missed. The legacy he has left is unmatched by any words that can be written. May Allah grant him higher place in Jannah and give strength to the family and staff to continue his legacy.

Sadaf Waqas

Wise people say that there are two types of alive people. One who lives life aimlessly and others who live life with an aim. First category people consider as a dead person whether they are alive and second consider alive whether they died as Sir Qazi who always live in our heart and his name remains as symbol of Purity, sincerity and humanity.
Some truth in life are hard to accept.SIR, your memories will never be forgotten! Those will always remain with us forever.
I must says that Sir Qazi was one of those who lives for their mission and give inspiration to other. His Mission is Our Legacy and we will carry on your mission and transfer it to our generation; our students. Insha-Allah

Marium Hussain

چناب قاضی صاحب جیسی شخصیات دنیا میں کم ہی ہو نگیں جو زندگی میں اور جانے کے بعد بھی لو گوں کے دلوں پر راج کریں جو پہلا قدم شرط ہے کی بنیاد پر چلیں اور یہ سلسلہ ان کی نیکی کے باعث چلتا رہے ۔
میرا ماننا ہے کہ لوگوں کے لیے جو شخص فلاح کے لیے کام کر رہا ہو اس کو اس کی زندگی میں ہی تحسینی الفاظ پیش کر دینا چاہیے اور میں نے سر قاضی پر ایک نظم لکھ کر پیش کی اور ان کے چہرے پر آئ مسکرہٹ میں کبھی نہیں بھول سکھتی ۔ اللہ قاضی صاحب کے درجات بلند کرے

Sanjeeda Qadri
Huma Shayan
Huma shayan is a teacher & a software engineer. Her hobbies include reading self improvement books, binge watching sitcoms and singing her heart out!

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