‘This is so not happening,’ said Belinda in a voice of agony. ‘I can’t believe that
because of you two I got detention. Do you know how bad it is? I’ve been a
good student all my life.’ ‘ Well it sucks to be you,’ replied Harry. ‘ I really hate
professor Rynold, that guy doesn’t even know how to take a simple joke.’
‘ Well, I guess you shouldn’t have joked about the stains on his shirt. He took
it personally,’ emphasized Hannah, fixing her long, dusky blonde hair. The
students had been sent into detention by professor Rynold, the new
chemistry teacher. ‘ I swear I am going to ruin him,’ grumbled Harry, taking
his jacket off. As soon as he said that, Professor Rynold entered the room.
‘ Belinda, Harry, you are dismissed. Hannah I need to have a word with you.’
He said his face expressionless. He was a quite peculiar man, weird even. His
face was almost always like this, static. ‘What? Why? I didn’t even say
anything in the first place. I just giggled a little and you gave me detention!’
Hannah snapped. Suddenly an unusual smile appeared on professor
Reynold’s face. ‘ OK fine Hannah you may go,’ he said smiling awkwardly.
Everyone left the room.
‘ This guy is crazy,’ said Harry. I’ve heard that he lives alone and does
questionable things.’ ‘ Like what?’ asked Hannah. ‘ I don’t know but I do
know that he comes home like really late. He lives four blocks away from my
house. Wait, let’s investigate his house, who knows maybe we can find
something sketchy,’ He said, emphasizing on the word sketchy. ‘ No way,
back off Harry,’ replied Belinda. ‘There is no way, I am not getting detention
again.’ She said before disappearing into the crowd of children. ‘ Guess it’s
just us,’ said Harry. ‘ I’m in,’ replied Hannah with a sinister smile. ‘ Someone
has to pay for insulting me and giving me detention in front of Brandon.’
They both set out at exactly ten o clock. Henry wearing a red hoodie and
Hannah wearing a beautiful floral dress with her hair braided. ‘Be careful,
don’t make any noise or we WILL get caught.’ Said Harry in a serious tone.
‘According to my investigation he should not be home right now, so we will
make our first move really quickly. You hear me?’ ‘ Yeah alright no need to be
so bossy,’ scuffled Hannah. Saying that they both quickly made their way into
professor Reynold’s house.
And that was when they were last seen, alive. They never came back nor
were their remains ever found. They were ultimately confirmed missing.
Hannah and Harry had never actually entered Professor Reynold’s house
they miss took it for a house which had been on sale for the last two years.
It had officially been 9 months since they went missing. Everyone was
worried. Especially Belinda who somewhat blamed herself for their
disappearance. She always thought instead of just refusing she should have
stopped them from going there. She was anxious towards finding out what
happened to them. She worked timelessly to figure out what happened.
There were many theories, that maybe they ran away, or professor Rynold
did something to them and more. But nothing was ever confirmed to be true.
And the theories just didn’t sit right. She almost eventually gave up but
everything changed that one night. The night she saw Hannah’s shadow in
that very house they were seen last alive….

By Aina Zeeshan (XC)

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