12 Types of Punishment We Hate

So all of us must have at least been in one punishment and we hated it. Well, today I wrote about 12 common punishments that we all hate!

  1. Standing up

This is when a teacher tells us to stand up in front of the class. This mostly happens when we fall asleep during the lecture.

I remember when I was in class when the teacher told a boy to stand up and try to fall asleep. He didn’t take it seriously and slept while standing!

2. Confiscating

This is when we bring anything, like a toy or even something else, and the teacher takes it and says, “I’ll take that, and you’ll get it by the end of this week.” Students are like, “Please! I just got it!” Then the teacher replies, “Did I say end of the week? Make that the end of the MONTH.”

3. Facing the wall

This is when the teacher tells us to face the wall and reflect on what we’ve done. I’ve seen this happen commonly when you’re making too much noise and disturbing the class.

4. Calling parents

This happens usually when you’re continuously doing something and are not paying attention. Also it might be that the teacher has given you 2 to 3 chances which you didn’t care about.

5. Carrying books

This happens in bigger classes, usually (in outer countries) when your hiding something in your notebook. Then the teacher comes and asks you if you’re writing down notes. Then we are like, “Yep, I do it in every class, sometimes my friends even call me the Notes Master.” The teacher asks us to show us the notes and we are unable to do so. So the teacher asks to carry every single book for the next class.

6. Standing outside

This is a very, very common one, mostly when talking during class. I know how it feels because I understand their feelings from their faces. I dislike this one, because the teacher also gives this punishment to the innocent ones too sometimes accidentally.

7. Write on the white board

This is the most hated one for me. I haven’t faced this punishment but I know how this goes. It’s like a very boring time for the class and the one who’s writing. You can’t study at that time, you can’t talk or you’ll get punished. On the other side the over-smart students are counting the sentences.

8. Uniform checking

It’s not like a punishment but some students like my classmates hate this and think that this is a form of punishment. I don’t know why but I also don’t like it, but I’ve never thought that it’s like a punishment!

9. No punishment

This one is not common but common, like it’s in the middle. It’s when the teacher heard something and says it’s fine.

It looks okay, but some students, like me, feel that we are not gonna be safe with that teacher.

10. Teaching the class

I remember this as once when my teacher was teaching, a boy pointed out a mistake. Then the teacher got angry for no reason and asked the boy to explain it to the rest of the class. The teacher didn’t know, but he came to school prepared for the next class. He explained in such a way that we started making notes.

11. Public Humiliation

This did happen to me. It’s when you’re talking a lot in class and not even listening to a single word. Then the teacher asks you to come in the front and tell everyone that what you were talking about.

12. Lecture

This is what I dislike the most. Instead of the topic lecture, you get a lecture for your mistake. It takes like one or half an hour. The disliked part is that the whole class has to listen to it.

These are the twelve punishments disliked by students. Remember, this is not written against any school rules. It’s just written to entertain and to know about other learning minds.

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