Fariha-The future cricketer

Fariha Fahim, a shining star of grade 11-C. Fariha is into cricket and she recently played…

Head Girl/Boy Candidate Interviews

By Alia Ahmad Khan 7-B ELECTIONS! Asalamualaikum, my dear readers, this is Alia Ahmad Khan, your…

Sir Qazi and His Inculcated Foundations

I woke up with a jolt in my dimly lit room, I could hear my heart…

Stargazing from the Bottom

“What did you do all day?”I could distantly hear the question being asked to me but…

Realizing How Far I Have Come

It was the second morning of August, when sauntered in the soft white-gold light of the…

The Foreign or All-too-familiar Sea of Loneliness.

Loneliness is basically drowning in a sea or in a crowd of people. It is believing…

BE the Change you want to SEE

There is this quote by Rumi which says: “Yesterday I was clever, so I wanted to…

The Evidence of Being Human

It is beautiful to simply exist. We are existing as humans, the superior form of existence,…

Overcoming Fear, and Some Failure

Aisha shares her experience about facing one of her fears in an exceptional way.

An excerpt on Independence Day

Seventy-four years ago, our ancestors and political leaders fought for the independence of this nation. They…